Your Stakeholder Platform

>>> Cap Table Reconciliations

Captrii looks after your entity's owners, controllers, and third party counterparts. We provide asset wealth management, capitalization tables, capital stacks, valuations, share certificates, relationship maps, accounting reconciliation, visual corporate structures and KYC using frontier technologies.


Manage your stakeholders in a modern way

With zero Knowledge about your confidential stakeholder data, we make sure it will be safe from prying eyes. Captrii was built with frontier technologies by frustrated accountants, co secretaries and fund managers who wanted something more than a web based spreadsheet.

We cover all agreement types and cover the main incorporation jurisdictions.


Immutable and decentralized data storage

We use private (you control the LLM) AI to produce, edit and summarise financial instrument contracts; Private AI to produce, edit and summarise corporate resolutions; and decentralized document storage to minimize data loss.




We integrate with your accounting system, such as Xero, and your contacts, such as Zoho CRM, to avoid duplication and minimize reconciliation issues. API into your own spreadsheets. We use Mermaid to produce markdown diagrams to illustrate holding company and subsidiary structures with ownerships and key roles.


It's your data. Use our APIs to extract into spreadsheets and backup clouds.


Onboarding Spreadsheet templates for immediately upload
Voting Blockchain
Reporting APIs and CSV downloads plus the usual reports
Accounting Full Xero, Quickbooks and Sage integrations
Share Certificates Shareable with digital signatures
Jurisdictions Global
Currencies Fiat and non fiat
Pie and Fork


We group the 'A' activities into Actions, Assets, Agreements, Accounting, Amassments and Allotments. Our process keeps stakeholder management simple using grids and intuitive UI.

Actions dashboard monitors corporate filings, KYC refreshes and expiring contracts including KPIs and other monitoring metrics.

Actors are stakeholders such as people, companies, partnerships, SPVs, and funds. Using the KYC and sanctions checker, documents can be stored on the cloud of your choice.

Assets are usually fractional ownership instruments such as common shares, ordinary securities, preference shares, partnership points, SAFEs, options, warrants, and CLNs. Captrii was designed by a derivatives expert so we can tailor make any financial instrument.

Agreements are the contracts binding the asset issuers, usually a legal entity, and actors who own the instrument fragments. Examples include parent-slash-child contracts, funding rounds, rights issues, bonus issues, employee plans, and bonus pools.

Allotments / Allocations . These are the glue - allotments of units, often called transactions. map actors and asset agreements together to create the contracts.These can be blockchained if required for proof of record. Analysis. We offer flexible valuation calculations, scenario modeling and historical analysis.

Administration. With stakeholders having to undergo deep dive due diligence, we offer KYC document storage, sharing and proof of record signing via blockchain. Sometimes it is easier to use the data yourself, especially as it's all yours anyways.

Access using APIs to integrate into your favorite apps, spreadsheets, accounting packages, websites, and other integrated systems.

AI. We use private AI to help write, validate, and summarize agreements along with valuations. Accountability. We try not to store any PPI, known as private personal information.


Features that Carta and Pulley don't have

✓ KYC Sanction Checking

✓ Blockchain'd voting

✓ Blockchain'd Share Certicates

✓ AI created shareholder summaries

✓ Graphical corporate structures (so beloved by auditors)

✓ Any currency including any crypto or token

✓ Accounting integration

✓ CRM integration

✓ Utility tokens


The rest of our 'A' features

✓ Bulk uploads from a spreadsheet

✓ Actions Dashboard

✓ Actor management

✓ Asset management

✓ Assignment management

✓ Allocations and Allotments

✓ Accounting management

✓ Amassment for wealth managers

✓ Cap Tables

✓ Cap Stacks

✓ Valuations